Redis support of Lua scripts is a great feature. We use it a lot to build fast reliable queues with some very interesting requirements. You need it every time you want to decide your next Redis command, based on the result of a previous command, while guaranteeing that no one else has done anything with this result or anything else has changed in Redis. That is, the whole Redis script is an "atomic" operation.
However, I put it in quotes intentionally. My understanding of phrase "atomic operation" is that not only no one else can see it half complete while it is executing (that works so great in Redis). It should also mean, that it should never be left half complete if an error occurs in the middle (or at least, that is my wishful thinking:) ).
Yea, exactly, the second point doesn't work in Redis and there is no warning in the official docs. To be more polite (or precise), there is no rollback in Redis (referring to a comment in this SO question -
This means that one should really carefully review the logic in the script for possible errors (like comparing nil to a number), especially if any writes are coming after operations, which could possibly throw an error.
However, I put it in quotes intentionally. My understanding of phrase "atomic operation" is that not only no one else can see it half complete while it is executing (that works so great in Redis). It should also mean, that it should never be left half complete if an error occurs in the middle (or at least, that is my wishful thinking:) ).
Yea, exactly, the second point doesn't work in Redis and there is no warning in the official docs. To be more polite (or precise), there is no rollback in Redis (referring to a comment in this SO question -
This means that one should really carefully review the logic in the script for possible errors (like comparing nil to a number), especially if any writes are coming after operations, which could possibly throw an error.